CFP: ASCLA Online Professional Development Series
CFP: ASCLA Online Professional Development Series ASCLA seeks proposals for presentations for its 2012 series of professional development webinars that will be held throughout the year, from November 2011 through August 2012.
This webinar series is an opportunity for librarians to kick off 2012 with professional development opportunities they can conveniently pursue from the comfort of their hometown. The series, formerly called the Virtual Convergence, will offer webinars throughout the year that are open to all interested librarians, library staff and library supporters. ASCLA is currently seeking proposals for those webinars.
Successful proposals will:
-Show plans for presentations that fit within the 90-minute session blocks, including at least 15 minutes for Q&A.
-Show how the presentation addresses a topic either of interest to ASCLA members, or represents an area of ASCLA?s expertise that benefits other types of librarians. This may include but is not limited to: financial management; strategic planning; accessibility, grant writing; services to special populations including the blind, deaf and hard of hearing and the incarcerated; state library agencies, library cooperatives, and library consulting.
Proposals may be submitted online here: no later than close of business on Monday, October 31, 2011. Presenters for accepted proposals will receive compensation for their time and will also receive training for the webinar software. Questions about ASCLA or the webinars can be directed to Liz Markel, ASCLA marketing specialist or Susan Hornung, ASCLA executive director at and, respectively.
More information about the webinar series schedule, registration rates and other event details will be posted on the ASCLA blog and ASCLA website soon.
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