CFP: Beyond libraries ? subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web. IFLA Satelli te Post-Conference

CFP: Beyond libraries ? subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web. IFLA Satelli te Post-Conference

CFP: Beyond libraries ? subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web. IFLA Satelli te Post-Conference

IFLA Satellite Post-Conference
Beyond libraries ? subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web
17-18 August 2012, Tallinn

Organised by theIFLA Classification and Indexing Section
[] and theNational Library of
Estonia []

Call for papers

Beyond libraries ? subject metadata in the digital environment and semantic web 
The conference will explore the role of different kinds of subject metadata in
the digital environment and the semantic web, in libraries and beyond libraries.
The digital environment creates new opportunities and new challenges for subject
access. How could we take advantage of the new opportunities and how can we
handle the challenges?

Possible topics include

Use of library subject metadata by other communities
Cooperation of libraries with other partners (museums, archives, publishers
etc.) in creation and reuse of subject metadata and knowledge organisation
systems (KOS)
Traditional and new methods of providing subject access: competition or
Users, their needs and subject access behaviour in the digital environment
Users as creators of subject metadata

National Library of Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia

Preliminary programme
17 August Afternoon session   18 August Full day session

The deadline for submitting papers is 15 February 2012   Papers should be in
English and no more than 3000 words in length, and submitted ready to publish.
The submission should also include:

Abstract of approximately 150 words, summarising the paper
Speaker's name, professional affiliation, postal address, email address and
brief biographical note.

Authors should be prepared to give presentations at the Satellite meeting. The
length of the presentations should be approximately 20 minutes. The conference
will be conducted in English and all presentations will be required to be in
Papers and presentations should be unpublished, original works. IFLA has first
publication rights to papers selected.
Papers will be reviewed by the Programme committee of the Classification and
Indexing Section Standing Committee. Authors will be notified on the acceptance
of their papers before 1 April 2012. The papers should be sent to Magdalena
Svanberg, National Library of Sweden,
[] .
Please note   All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel,
accommodation etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters. No
financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be
issued to authors.

Important dates
15 February - Deadline for submitting papers
March - Registration opens
1 April - Notifications of acceptance
15 May - Early registration discount ends
Kind regards,
Magdalena Svanberg
National Library of Sweden
on behalf of the Programme committee

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