CFP: IFLA Government Information and Official Publications Section - Information for Development Action: Governments, Civil Society and Libraries

CFP: IFLA Government Information and Official Publications Section - Information for Development Action: Governments, Civil Society and Libraries

CFP: IFLA Government Information and Official Publications Section - Information for Development Action: Governments, Civil Society and Libraries

Please see below the call for papers for the IFLA Government Information and Official Publications Section (GIOPS). Please feel free to contact me if you are interested or have any questions.

The call is open until February 15 and we are warmly accepting submissions. Even if you do not feel inspired to present, please help us get out thecall and spread the word by contacting interested faculty, representatives of government agencies, and NGOs.

*Information for Development Action: Governments, Civil Society and Libraries*
IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 2013

The Government Information and Official Publications Section and Government Libraries Section invite proposals for papers to be presented at the World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) in Singapore, August 17th-23th August 2013. 

The session will focus on trends and patterns of information creation and dissemination in the fields of international economic development and poverty. Speakers are invited to explore the types of development and poverty alleviation information being produced, the tools used for its access and discovery, the relationships between international organizations, national governments, and civil society in creating and sharing this information, and the role of libraries in building collections and providing access to this information in an increasingly digital environment. The program will appeal to librarians interested in global economic development, poverty alleviation, development assistance, and trends in official government
information and civil society (NGO) publishing. 

Subjects of interest include but are not limited to: 
Official government information sources and strategies for economic growth and poverty alleviation
Statistical sources on economic development and poverty assistance
National government strategies for poverty alleviation and economic development
Poverty alleviation and development information sources from national, international, & regional governmental organizations
Civil society (NGO) information sources on poverty relief and micro-finance
The role of libraries in collecting, preserving, and providing access to this information

Please send your proposal for papers to Satendra Dhaka ( and Jim Church ( by February 15, 2013. Complete information available on the WLIC 2013 website

Best regards, and sorry I cannot be at ALA midwinter!
Jim Church

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