CFP: LITA Heads of Library Technology (HoLT) IG meeting at ALA Mid-Winter

CFP: LITA Heads of Library Technology (HoLT) IG meeting at ALA Mid-Winter

Call for Participation: LITA Heads of Library Technology (HoLT) IG meeting at ALA Mid-Winter
Sunday, January 27, 2013 at 1 - 2:30pm
Location: TBA (Seattle, Washington)

The LITA Heads of Library Technology Interest Group (HoLT) seek 4-5 short presentations (10-15
minutes) on issues relating to Leadership and Library Technology for the upcoming 2013 ALA Mid-Winter conference.  All topics will be considered, but some ideas to get your thought process started may include, mobile development, issues related to setting up unmediated services, technology lending programs, staff technology initiatives, setting up an OS community, balancing budget constraints with desire for innovation,
digital repository and data management services, etc.

Physical attendance at ALA Mid-Winter Annual in Seattle is required for the presentation and/or attendance at this meeting.

Deadline is December 12, 2012.

Please submit proposals to Meg Brown-Sica  ( or Evviva Weinraub Lajoie (

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