CFP: new directions in information fluency (Rock Island, Illinois 2014)
CFP: new directions in information fluency (Rock Island, Illinois 2014)
On behalf of the library at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, we wanted to let you know about a conference we have planned for this coming April 4 and 5, 2014. Our conference is called "New Directions in Information Fluency," and it is meant to engage both faculty and librarians in a conversation about going beyond "search" to teach students the skills they most need in our present environment: facility with print archives, sorting through sources in a world of information overload, and viewing research as a multi-stage process.
A description of our conference, along with a link to the CFP, may be found online: The keynote speaker will be Sandra Jamieson, Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at Drew University and a principal researcher on the Citation Project, a ?a collaborative, multi-site, data-based study of college students? use of research sources.?
Please contact the conference organizers, Stefanie Bluemle (, (309) 794-7167), Sarah Horowitz (, (309) 794-8814), and Margi Rogal (, (309) 794-7823) with any questions.
Stefanie Bluemle, Sarah Horowitz, Margi Rogal
Augustana College
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