Covered Wagons: A Great Way to Get to the Library
This covered wagon was recently spotted at Columbia Pike... |
Did you know that covered wagons, known as Conestogas, were named for the Pennsylvania region where they were first built in the 18th century?They later gained the nickname of "prairie schooners," because their white fabric tops looked like sailing ships. Settlers hoping to enrich their lives traveled westward over the prairies in covered wagons during the 1840s
. Today, some people still travel in covered wagons to enrich their lives - to their public library!
We thought this wagon was cool, and we wanted to learn more about the history of covered wagons.
So we used the Library's Homework Help Research Portal to search for articles on covered wagons in the Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. We found the information above in an article on Conestoga Wagons, by A. Bates.
You too can access our online Homework Help Research Portal - for free with your Library Card - to learn more about covered wagons, as wall as many other topics.
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