Find Your Fandom - Teen Summer Reading
Whether it's Doctor Who, Sherlock, Harry Potter, Supernatural or Wonderland...
Find Your Fandom at the library this summer!
Print out a
Find Your Fandom reading log or pick one up at the Reference Desk on the second floor. All you have to do is read 5 books, log 36 hours of reading or do a combination of reading and activities.
Download the
Find Your Fandom event list or check out our
events calender to see what's happening at the library!
When you turn in your reading log, you'll snag one of these prize bags and get the chance to win one of the grand prize packages below:
 Harry Potter 7 Book Box Set The Hogwarts Library Harry Potter Complete 8 Film Collection Harry Potter Accessories Kit Bertie Bots Every Flavor Beans Chocolate Frog & Wizard Trading Card |  Doctor Who: The Complete 1st Series DVD Doctor Who: The Complete 2nd Series DVD Journal of Impossible Things Disappearing TARDIS Mug |
 Sherlock: Season One DVD Set Sherlock: Season Two DVD Set Sherlock: Season Three DVD Set The Sherlock Files: Official Companion The Complete Sherlock Holmes Books |  John Green Box Set Divergent Series Box Set The Hunger Games Box Set The Immortal Instruments Box Set Warriors Volumes 1 - 6 Box Set |
Cfp: Prophecy 2007: From Hero To Legend (harry Potter)
CFP: Prophecy 2007: From Hero to Legend (Harry Potter) Prophecy 2007: From Hero to Legend August 2-5, 2007 Toronto CALL FOR PROPOSALS Prophecy 2007 is an academic symposium about the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling. We...
Cfp: Pottermania 2005: A Harry Potter Conference
CFP: Pottermania 2005: A Harry Potter Conference Friday October 14, 2005 Co-sponsored by UC Riverside's English Department and the Center for Ideas and Society Pottermania 2005 will be a one day conference for scholars and fans of the Harry Potter...
Everyday Heroes - Adult Summer Reading
Summer Reading isn't just for kids! We've got an exciting summer of events for adults this year too. Plus, you'll get the chance to win some great prizes - all you have to do is read books! It?s that easy! Print out an Everyday Heroes Reading...
Unmask! - Teen Summer Reading
Teens can UNMASK their next great adventure at the library this summer! We'll have weekly activities like chess club, Dungeons & Dragons, and Warmachine. Plus, everyone will have the chance to read books for awesome prizes! Download and print...
If You Like (this Popular Teen Fiction), Try (this Adult Classic)
If you like Hunger Games, Matched, Divergent and Delirium? ? try some of the original, ground-breaking dystopian adventures. 1984 by George OrwellFahrenheit 451 by Ray BradburyBrave New World by Aldous HuxleyIf you like Skulduggery Pleasant,...