Garden Talk Helps Create Better Neighbors
Earlier this summer, a first time home owner in Arlington attempted some weed abatement and accidentally killed off his lawn - and his neighbor's lawn. Neither he nor the neighbor were pleased.... 
So he attended the Master Gardner's Fall Lawn Care program at Central Library this past Saturday. Now armed with new lawn care knowledge, plus several lawn care books from the library collection, he is hoping to make a fresh start on the lawns this fall.
You can find out more about the Garden Talk programs here on our News Blog, or by checking the postings on the news board in the Central Library vegetable garden.
The Best Times To Plant Fall Vegetables
Fall Planting Schedule Don Weber and the Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia have posted a rough guide for planting fall vegetables in Arlington, on the bulletin board outside of Central Library's vegetable garden. The planting schedule is specifically...
Garden Talk: Beauty And The Bees - June 1
Join us Wednesday, June 1, 7:00 p.m. at the Central Library Vegetable Garden for a Garden Talk on Beauty and the Bees, presented by Lynn Kristianson and Don Weber. Can you "bring nature home" in Arlington? Definitely! Find out how to start with this workshop....
Starting Your Spring Garden - Tonight!
We've turned over the winter crop to prepare our garden for SpringJoin us Wednesday, April 20 at 7:00 p.m. at the Central Library Vegetable Garden for our first Garden Talk of the new year: Starting your Spring Garden. USDA research entomologist...
Garden Lecture: Planning The Edible Landscape - Nov. 3
Join us at the Central Library Auditorium on Wednesday, Nov. 3, from 6:30 ? 8:00 p.m. for a Garden Lecture on Planning the Edible Landscape with Virginia Cooperative Extension specialist Kirsten Buhls. Buhls will discuss a new type of landscape for your...
Tonight: Lawncare Tips At Glencarlyn - 03/16
The Master Gardeners of Northern Virginia will offer a free class on 'Lawn Care Basics for the Spring,' on Tuesday, March 16, 7 p.m., at the Glencarlyn Branch Library. This class will cover such issues as when and how to water and apply fertilizer,...