Get Recommended Reads, Straight from the Catalog!
Novelist Select results for Dark Life, by Kat Falls |
Do you often find yourself searching the catalog for a specific book, only to find that it's checked out? Now you can get reliable recommendations for similar kinds of books and authors, straight from the catalog!Thanks to NoveList® Select, catalog records now include information on similar titles and authors, titles in a series, read-alikes and recommended reads. You'll also find discussion guides, and feature articles.
Best of all, NoveList® Select will only display relevant books that are currently available on our shelves.NoveList® Select is the result of collaboration between our catalog vendor III, the NoveList database, and the book rec/review sharing site Goodreads, combined with the expertise of readers' advisory mavens Nancy Pearl, Joyce Saricks and others.
NoveList® Select is not currently available on the Library's mobile catalog.
How To: Create Lists In Your Account
Are you learning to use your Library Account? Here's how to: Create a List - Search the catalogWhen you find something you want to include on a list, click on "Add to Cart"After you have added one or more items to your cart, scroll to the top of...
Coming Soon: Better Catalog Search Results
Do you like the way Google or Amazon often find what you're looking for, even when you don't have all the info? Later this month, our new catalog system will bring you a better search function. Created by the library software company III,...
Coming Soon: Search Our Mobile Catalog On Your Smart Phone
Do you wish you could access more of the Library from your smart phone? Coming in February, our new catalog system will be mobile accessible! You'll be able to search the catalog, place holds and renew your materials, all from your web enabled phone....
Give Great Books For All Ages
Want to give a gift they'll love for years? Try books! For Kids - Our children's librarians share their favorite books to give to kids on From Tots to Tweens - everything from picture books for the littlest readers, to chapter books for older...
Find New Movies Easily In Catalog
In an effort to make finding the latest movies at OPL even easier we've added a new column to our Book Lists & Coming Soon tab that shows DVDs we've received in recent months. Check it out today by first going to