ICDL 2006 - International Conference on Digital Libraries, December 5-8, 2006 ? New Delhi, India
ICDL 2006 - International Conference on Digital Libraries, December 5-8, 2006 ? New Delhi, India
1st June 2006 DEADLINE for submission papers for ICDL 2006
TERI is organizing ICDL 2006-8 December, 2006 in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI at the India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The theme of the proposed conference is Digital Libraries: Information Management for Global Access and it will focus on creation, adoption, implementation and utilization of digital libraries (DL), e-learning and knowledge society. For detail information about the conference please visit the website
TERI had earlier organized the first ICDL in the year 2004, which was inaugurated by Dr A P J Abdul Kalam, Hon?ble President of India. The theme of the Conference was Digital Libraries: Knowledge Creation, Preservation, Access, and Management. The conference received an overwhelming response and more than 750 delegates including 105 foreign delegates from 36 countries attended the conference.
The ICDL 2006 will aim at further strengthening the academic collaboration and strategic alliance in development of DL in the world and is expected to be a major forum focusing on digital libraries and related technologies and issues. This conference would, therefore, facilitate exchange of ideas and help bridge the knowledge gap in these areas and sustain the knowledge thus gained. It is also expected to become a platform to bring together a galaxy of experts, researchers, academics, students, and others. About 40 renowned and experienced speakers from India and abroad has already accepted to share their experiences.
You are invited to submit your papers to the 2nd International Conference on Digital Libraries, to be held in New Delhi, India 5-8 December, 2006.
Contributions are invited for conference sessions, tutorials, poster presentations and workshops.
The relevant topics include the following (but not limited to) :
· · Planning, development, and management of digital libraries
· Online information management
· Content organization and knowledge management
· System scalability and interoperability
· Semantics, thesauri, and ontology
· Information storage and retrieval for global access
· Open archives initiatives
· User studies and system evaluation
· E-learning
· Multi-lingual information retrieval system and unicode
· Digital divide
· Digital preservation
· Standards in digital library design and development
· Dublin core and metadata standards
· DRM and copyrights issues
· Digital library services
· Digital library network and information sharing
· E-publishing
· Economic issues of DL and e-learning
· Tools and techniques for DL
· DL models and architectures
Paper Submission Information :
All papers must be original in contribution and authors are expected to transfer the copyright to TERI. Papers must be written in English and limited to 5000 words. Each paper should contain a list of about five keywords. The paper should also mention the topic under which it falls from the above list of topics or any other. Send your paper in MS Word (any version) format. For Detail submission details and author guidelines, please refer to the conference website. Full paper should be submitted electronically at ( by 1 June, 2006.
Important Dates :
Submission of full papers -1 June 2006
Notification of acceptance of paper with comments - 15 Aug 2006
Submission of the final paper after incorporating comments -15 September 2006
Early Bird Registration Deadline - 15 Oct 2006
Registration Information :
For details about the conference registration fee for all presenters and participants and other registration information, please refer to the conference website (
For any queries contact at ?
Debal C Kar
Organising Secretary
ICDL2006 Conference Secretariat
TERI, Darbari Seth Block
IHC Complex, Lodhi Road
New Delhi - 110 003, India
Phone - 91-11-24682141, 24682111 or 24682100
Fax - 91-11-24682144, 2468 2145
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