Lonely Planet Travel eBooks are Always Available
We've just added 75 new Lonely Planet eBooks to our downloadable collection, in both EPUB and Kindle format.
The Lonely Planet titles include regional, country, state and city guides, to international and US destinations.
They also include Lonely Planet's highly regarded
Discover series, the
Trips series (for regional US travel planning) and several of the
48 Hours In? (major US cities) series.
These new eBooks are especially cool because you can check them out at a moments notice - they're always available, to multiple users!
Trying To Choose An Ereader?
Nook Tablet, Kindle Fire or iPad2? Wireless download or USB? Touchscreen or Keyboard? There are so many Library-compatible eReaders these days, it can be hard to choose! Luckily, we've compiled a list of useful articles, charts and lists to help you...
Welcome Kindle Users!
Kindle users can now checkout free Library ebooks through Arlington Public Library and send them to a Kindle device or Kindle app. This much-awaited move will be hailed by the many Arlington Kindle users who have asked to join the ranks of...
Library Ebooks: Coming To Your Kindle In 2011!
UPDATE 9/21/11: Kindle Library Lending is here! More Details ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did you see the Amazon announcement this week about the "Launch of Library Lending...
If I Buy A Kindle, Can I Get Books For It At The Arlington Public Library?
Update April 22, 2011: Amazon has announced that they are working with OverDrive to allow Library eBooks to be read on the Kindle! Sorry, no - the Library does not YET have eBooks compatible with the Kindle. Presently, our downloadable...
Attention Ebooks Fans
We are adding more eBooks titles to the South Dakota Titles To Go collection. Kindle owners, please note that our downloadable eBooks system now supports your device. South Dakota Titles To Go is powered by Overdrive and features bestselling...