More Library Love
On Monday the Shirlington Branch Library put out valentines for kids to color. We also asked people to tell us why they love the Library.
Here are some of the wonderful responses we received: "Because I learn so much. It is fun!"
"I can bring my kids here and there is always something for them to do."
"It helps us lurn things! I love books!"
"It has so many good books!!!!"
"It has books and mooves that I don't have"
"I love the kangaroo." (we have a stuffed kangaroo)
"I can spend time with my friends and we can all have fun together. I love the classes we have every Monday."
"It's filled with lots of books! HAPPY READING TIME!!!"
And 7-month old Ellie wrote "I can meet other babies like me."
Shirlington's New Storytime For Adults
Take a break from your busy day and join us for a new storytime, designed just for adults. You'll hear a story read aloud by library staff, and you can even bring your lunch. Adult Storytime is held on the second Monday of each month at the Shirlington...
Healthy Eating Workshop - Jan. 23
Are you planning to eat better in the new year? Join us at the Shirlington Branch Library for a workshop on Healthy Eating, and learn some new ways to do so. Sunday, Jan. 23, from 3: 00 - 4:00 p.m, local Health Counselor Holly Harmon presents "Weigh...
Give Great Books For All Ages
Want to give a gift they'll love for years? Try books! For Kids - Our children's librarians share their favorite books to give to kids on From Tots to Tweens - everything from picture books for the littlest readers, to chapter books for older...
Altered Books By Patricia Hartnett
"The Secret Garden"The art of painter and found object artist Patricia Hartnett is on display on the first floor at Central Library for the month of June. We asked Patricia a few questions about her work: How did you get the inspiration for this work?...
Art & Books Unite
"We embrace the digital but we all still love books and the book hive is a wonderful blend of art and engineering, reminding us of the intrinsic beauty and love affair we have with books as tangible items." Book Hive Teaser Trailer from Adam Laity...