New in Reference: Encyclopedia of the Korean War
Looking for information on the Korean War? Try The Encyclopedia of the Korean War: A Political, Social and Military History. We have just added the second edition of this 3 volume reference set - now covering February 1866 - December 2008 - to the Reference Collection at Central Library. - Volumes 1 and 2 contains A-Z entries ranging in length from one-half of a page to 8 and one-half pages, a list of maps plus six general maps, and photographs and tables throughout
- Volume 3 contains the primary documents, arranged in chronological order
- Categorical index is organized by individuals, events, places, and other broad topics
Although the second edition is only available for use at Central, the first edition can now be checked out directly at Central, or by placing a hold on the volumes.
Why a second edition?Reviewer Kaye Talley of Booklist explains, "Most of the approximately 600 entries in the first edition have been revised, and more than 120 new entries have been added. There are 148 primary documents, a gain of more than 10. References for all entries have been updated."
To read the entire review, go to the catalog record, then scroll to the bottom of the page under Extras and click on the link for Reviews.
Call For Contributors: Encyclopedia Of The Caribbean (facts On File)
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Call For Contributors: The Encyclopedia Of Africa And The Americas (abc-clio)
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Cfp: Seeking Contributors To An Encyclopedia Of Prostitution
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Invitation For Contributors To The Encyclopedia Of American Federalism
Deadline for entries: August 1, 2004
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Call For Contributors - Nato: An Encyclopedia Of Internatinal Security
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