Plaza Staff Rec: 'World's End'
Remember Y2K? That was the global fear that because of a programming error, the world's computers would become useless on January 1, 2000, sending civilization into chaos.

Marc Chadbourn's novel
World's End - originally published in 1999 in the UK - envisions a different millennial disaster, brought about by the end of the Age of Reason.
World's End - a new addition to the Plaza Branch Library collection - follows the breakdown of human society as magic flows back into the world, electricity and electronics fail, and 5 disparate, angry, scared Britts - who don't even like each other very much - struggle to work together and make their way in a world that is changing terrifyingly before their eyes.
Great Free Online Resources For Techies
Library staff - including some from the Columbia Pike Branch Library - had the opportunity to attend the Computers in Libraries 2010 conference, held in Crystal City. The focus for this year's conference was on leading-edge technology that builds...
"2044" Author Talk At Shirlington - 01/17
Join us Sunday, Jan. 17 at the Shirlintgon Branch Library for a discussion of the novel 2044 with author Eric Lotke. "2044" is an adventure story with a political edge. Set in a world that follows our current social and economic trajectory to the extreme,...
Plaza Branch Book Exchange
The Plaza Branch Library has several shelves devoted to the Plaza Library Book Exchange. This is a place where you can drop off that paper back you bought at the airport, and pick up something new, for free. Location: Plaza Library, in the back, to...
You Can Shape Your Life ? Take A Step.
So many times I hear students and teachers make reference to the ?REAL WORLD?. ?You?re going to need to know this when you get out in the real world.? ?I don?t need Shakespeare in the real world.? The ?real world? seems to be some time in the future when...
Happy Birthday! The World Wide Web Is 20 Years Old.
Click to see a restoration of the VERY FIRST WEBSITE. Then imagine how websites will look 20 years from now. It was 20 years ago on April 30, 1993 that the World Wide Web was opened to all, setting off one of the biggest transformations in technology...