Download the OverDrive app onto your device.
It can be found anywhere you install your apps from and it is free.
Copy and paste the URL to your search bar:
The app will take you to the sign-up page
(the app will walk you through the initial setup)
The URL will take you to the main NETDC site
(click on sign-in at the top right hand side of the page)
The log-in to our consortium is as follows:
-Your Library-
Red River County Public Library
Your 8 digit library card number
your last name (lowercase)
Please call the library if you have trouble logging in!!
Call For Participation: Lita Heads Of Library Technology (holt) Ig Meeting (ala Annual)
Call for Participation: LITA Heads of Library Technology (HoLT) IG meeting (ALA Annual) Sunday, June 24, 2012 at 10:30 ? 12pm ...
Library Staff
Paulette Groet Library Technician/Interim Director Kilie Steel Children's Librarian Susan Hasso Administrative Assistant/Teen Librarian...
2012 National Library Week
Here is what is happening at the Madison Public Library to celebrate our continued mission of providing access to "dynamic collections, appropriate technology, and global information to support and enrich individual, family, and community life" within...
Holiday Closing.....
The library will be closed from Wed.,Nov. 25th - Sat.,Nov. 28th and will reopen on Monday Nov. 30th. ...
Summer Reading Club
POPCORN EVERYDAY!! **Ask about Read-to-Me for pre-schoolers** The library Summer Reading Club is a lot like an all-you-can-eat salad bar, available to your children anytime the library is open. Come in at your convenience and choose what looks tasty...