Saturday: Teen Volunteer Fair

Saturday: Teen Volunteer Fair

6 - 12 graders and their parents are invited to join us this Saturday, Oct. 29 for the Teen Volunteer Fair, from1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Central Library Auditorium.

Teens looking to share their time, develop skills and explore new experiences will be able to meet and speak with representatives of local organizations offering volunteer opportunities.

Participants include the Red Cross, Greenbrier Learning Center, Phoenix Bikes, Remove Invasive Plants in Arlington, Volunteer Arlington, Sunrise Senior Living, Edu-Futuro, Eddie's Club and more.

And if you know of an organization that uses teen volunteers and would like to be involved in the fair, please call 703-228-7682 or email

The Teen Volunteer Fair is a partnership between Arlington Public Library and the Arlington Teen Network Board.

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