Seeking Submissions for Proposed Anthology: Belonging in Word and Picture

Seeking Submissions for Proposed Anthology: Belonging in Word and Picture

Seeking Submissions for Proposed Anthology: Belonging in Word and Picture

Belonging in Word and Picture. We are looking for contributions that address legacies, generations (especially that of grandparents and grandchildren), family, a sense of home and identity (i.e. the pull between home and work, leaving your childhood home to start your own home or a sense of place within oneself). Reflections may be poems, short stories, songs, diary entries, essays, letters, creative nonfiction, or other forms as well as artwork. Combinations of forms are encouraged, up to approximately 4,000 words per contributor.

If accepted, contributors will receive a complimentary copy upon publication and a contributor's discount on additional copies. Publishers are being queried and the best will see the completed manuscript.

Cynthia Brackett-Vincent is publisher/editor of the esteemed Aurorean poetry journal; poetry instructor; award-winning poet; author of The 95 Poems chapbook (2005) and contributor to Educators as Writers: Publishing for Personal and Professional Development.

View Cynthia's background

Carol Smallwood has written, co-authored, and edited 17 books such as Michigan Authors; an award-winning fiction writer; her work has appeared in English Journal, Iris, Main Street Rag, The Detroit News, and several others including anthologies.

View Carol's last book

No previously published or simultaneously submitted material.

Please send work in an attachment; use 12-point Courier. Include a 50-60 word bio to appear in contributor's notes section of BELONGING if your work is accepted. (Writing credits/current position/where you're from and personal highlights are invited.) Please e-mail by April 30, 2007 with BELONGING as the subject line.

For artwork, use BELONGING as the subject line; send in PDF by e-mail. If you would like to send artwork by regular mail, send B&W or color PHOTOCOPIES ONLY (ABSOLUTELY NO ORIGINALS) to: Cynthia Brackett-Vincent, P. O. Box 187, Farmington, ME 04938 ATTN: BELONGING. If your artwork is accepted AND ONCE WE HAVE SECURED A PUBLISHER, we will request originals if necessary. If you'd like photocopies returned, include an SASE. If you would like to know your photocopies have been received, include a self-addressed stamped postcard.

Please include all your contact information (including e-mail address) in submissions. Send e-mail to Cynthia at, or to Carol at

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