Service Outage: Telephone Hold Notices are Out of Order, Try Email Instead

Due to a service outage, telephone hold notices did not go out between December 16 -30. Email notices were sent as scheduled.
UPDATE 12/30: Telephone notices have been restored.
- If you were expecting a hold this month and normally receive telephone notices, check your hold status online. If you have a hold ready for pickup just come on down-we're keeping all holds on the pickup shelves through January 4.
- Consider switching to email notices, which are easy and more reliable Switch to email now
Questions? Contact Central Circulation at 703-228-5940 or your local branch
New Account Options: Usernames And Text Alerts
Although our new catalog and accounts system has been in place for more than a month now, we have been testing and fine-tuning features that were not available at launch. So this week we're happy to rollout a new option for added privacy and another...
Do You Have Your Account Pin Yet?
With the new library catalog & account system in place, we want to make sure we have your account information up-to-date in case we need to contact you. You will also need a four-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number) to use your account. Why...
Service Outage Effect On Fines And Holds - Updated 10/28
** Updated Thursday, Oct. 28 to include information regarding the power outage ** In light of this week's technical difficulties with County computer systems and the power outage at Central Library on Wednesday: Fines for Library materials due Oct....
Columbia Pike Hold Shelves Are Now Self-service
The Columbia Pike Branch Library's holds are now available for self pick up. You will find your holds, filed alphabetically by patron last-name, on the shelves to the left of the circulation desk. After you pick them up, please then bring your hold...
Traveling For The Holidays?
Freeze your holds so you don't miss them while you're gone! We have a handy new form to make the process even easier. Here's how it works: Use the Request to Freeze Holds form to freeze all of your pending holds. A frozen hold will continue...