Summer Reading 2015!

Summer Reading is here! Fly into the library
June 1st to July 24 for programs, events and PRIZES for all ages! Click the links below to check out what we've got in store for children, teens and adults this summer:
Every Hero Has a Story (Age 0 to 5th Grade)
Unmask! (Teens 6th to 12th Grade)
Everyday Heroes (Adults 18 and up)End of Summer Reading Party & Prize Drawing!
3:00 p.m. - Friday, July 24 in the Reading Garden
Celebrate a whole summer of superheroes, books and fun!
We'll have cake, fruit kabobs and punch!
Reading logs and extra credit slips must be turned in by 3:00! Drawing at 3:15!
Every Hero Has A Story - Children's Summer Reading
Children will encounter heroes of all kinds - and discover their own inner hero - with this year's Every Hero Has a Story Summer Reading Program! From firefighters to police officers, kids will get to meet heroes from their own community. We'll...
Unmask! - Teen Summer Reading
Teens can UNMASK their next great adventure at the library this summer! We'll have weekly activities like chess club, Dungeons & Dragons, and Warmachine. Plus, everyone will have the chance to read books for awesome prizes! Download and print...
Summer Reading Recap!
It's hard to believe it's over, but we had a summer filled with science experiments, magic shows, bubbles, fun, and, of course, books! Grand prizes have been handed out, reading logs have been counted, and the numbers are in... Fizz, Boom, Read!...
Summer Reading Program
The Summer Reading program begins on June 1st! Kids ages 3 thru 4th grade can read books from the Madison Public Library and earn prizes. Stop at the Madison Public Library to pick up your reading chart. Read for 15 minutes/day. Mark your...
Every Hero Has A Story
2015 Summer Reading Program Ottumwa Public Library June 1st- July 31st, 2015 EVERY HERO HAS A STORY!!! Reading DetailsFor children through age 14.Start reading books on June 1 to win prizes.Come to the library on June 1 to sign up and receive...