Texas Master Naturalist Display - July 1, 2008

Beautiful Sunflowers!
Common Name: Sunflowers
Scientific Name: Helianthus (species unknown)
These large sunflower blooms are from volunteer plants that came up aroud a bird-feeding station. These are of an unknown cultivating species. However, these plants were developed from native species by plant scientists.
Western North America is the home of the sunflowers which carpet many fields and adorn roadsides with gold. There are twenty to thirty species.
All native sunflowers have long (or occasionally reddish) rays and yellow or brown-purple disks.Texas Master Naturalist
Red River Chapter
Have You Spotted A Goldfinch In The Garden?
Can you see the goldfinch standing on the sunflower leaf?Goldfinches love to eat sunflower seeds, so it's a good thing we have plenty of sunflowers! Goldfinches are one of the only songbirds that feeds its young seeds, not insects. Thistles and sunflowers...
Glencarlyn Plant Sale - May 1
Join us Sunday, May 1 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. for the 12th Annual Glencarlyn Branch Library Community Garden Plant Sale. Hundreds of plants will be sold, including native plants, herbs, perennials, flowering shrubs, tropicals and annuals. Proceeds...
Cherrydale Chestnut Tree Nominated For Notable Tree Status
Does the Cherrydale Branch Library Chestnut Tree have the girth to win awards? Maybe... According to County Natural Resource Specialist Greg Zell, our tree was recently measured and scored by a Tree Steward volunteer. Volunteers had hoped the Chestnut...
Library Learning Patch Nature Club
Our third year of Library Learning Patch Nature Club has begun. We have changed our name this year to more accurately reflect the purpose of the program, teaching children about their natural world. This nature club is a joint effort...
Meadow Aster
Pretty in Purple, Another Red River County Wildflower: The Meadow Aster Red River Chapter Texas Master Naturalist Common Name: Meadow Aster Scientific Name: Aster pratensis The purple and gold blooms of the Meadow Aster brings a vivid yet subtle...