Where's the Beep?
Since launching self-check at Central Library and at the branches, we have noticed an increase in the number of materials returned that were never checked out. 
Unfortunately, the beep on the self-check machines indicates that the material in question was scanned, but not necessarily that it was successfully checked out. So if you are on the wrong screen when passing library materials through the scanner, you will get beeps - but the materials will not actually be checked out.
By removing the beep, we force the self-check user to look at the screen and verify that the materials are indeed checked out properly. We do understand that we've all been trained to hear that beep, and agree that it is frustrating to not hear it now. If we see no positive change from removing the beep, or if the removal proves more annoying than helpful, we will restore the beep. And we have a new system coming in February that we hope will better address issues related to self-check.
We appreciate your use of the Library, and your patience and understanding while we work through this issue.
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Your Library Card
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From Nancy . . .
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