Author Event: "My Signature Story" - Postponed

Author Event: "My Signature Story" - Postponed

** This event has been postponed ( future date TBD). **

Join us Saturday, July 30 at the Shirlington Branch Library for a 3:00 p.m. discussion with Signature Theatre Co-Founder and Artistic Director Eric Schaeffer, on his new book My Signature Story.

From staging musicals in a school library to renovating an auto-bumper plating plant, Schaeffer discusses the trials and tribulations of starting a theatre company from nothing and turning it into one of America's most beloved and artistically-renowned arts organizations.

The discussion will be followed by a book-signing. This event is co-sponsored by the Opera Guild of Northern Virginia.

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- 'page To Stage' At Shirlington, Fall 2009
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