Judy Kuhn Sends Her Regrets...

Judy Kuhn Sends Her Regrets...

** Updated 6/2**

We're sad to report that Judy Kuhn will not be able to join us next Monday evening, as she has to return to NYC that day for an audition. 
Eric Schaeffer , Signature's Artistic Director, will be joining us instead to talk about his hit B-way show "Million Dollar Quartet" and the upcoming Tony Awards. Page to Stage will still take place on Monday, June 7, at 7:00 p.m.

Join us at the Shirlington Branch Library on Monday, June 7, for a Page to Stage conversation with legendary Broadway actress Judy Kuhn, at 7:00 p.m.

Ms Kuhn, the recipient of three Tony Award nominations, is appearing in the Signature Theatre presentation of "Sycamore Trees." She has also premiered the roles of Florence Vassy in "Chess" and Cosette in "Les Miserables" on Broadway, and played Betty in the North American premiere of "Sunset Boulevard" in Los Angeles.

Page to Stage is co-sponsored by the Shirlington Branch Library and the Signature Theatre.

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