Meet the Artist: Sara Jaffe of Signature Theatre - March 7

Meet the Artist: Sara Jaffe of Signature Theatre - March 7

Join us at the Shirlington Branch Library next Monday, March 7 at 7:00 p.m. for From Page to Stage with Sara Jaffe of Signature Theatre.

Sara Jaffe is the director of development for Signature Theatre, where she creates and implements fundraising strategies to increase Signature's visibility and support from individuals, corporations, and foundations, and manages a variety of Patron Services issues.

Learn more about Shirlington's From Page to Stage series.

- From Page To Stage With Laurie Pomerson
Signature Theatre is ?dark? on Mondays, but the lights are on at the Shirlington Branch Library. On Monday, Nov. 7, at 7:00 p.m., we will speak with Signature Theatre director of marketing Laurie Pomerson. She's a new arrival at Signature, with over...

- From Page To Stage: Kerry Epstein - June 6
Signature Theatre may be ?dark? on Mondays, but the lights are on at the Shirlington Branch Library for From Page to Stage.  Join us Monday, June 6 at 7:00 p.m. for a conversation with Signature Theatre stage manager Kerry Epstein.  Epstein...

- Judy Kuhn Sends Her Regrets...
** Updated 6/2** We're sad to report that Judy Kuhn will not be able to join us next Monday evening, as she has to return to NYC that day for an audition.  Eric Schaeffer , Signature's Artistic Director, will be joining us instead to talk...

- Page To Stage Presents Ricky Ian Gordon Tonight
The Shirlington Branch Library's "Page to Stage" series presents a conversation with composer Ricky Ian Gordon, Monday May 3, at 7 pm. Mr. Gordon is the second recipient of the American Musical Voices Project Award to present his work at Signature...

- 'page To Stage' At Shirlington, Fall 2009
Signature Theatre is ?dark? on Mondays, but the lights are on at the Shirlington Branch Library. Join us from 7-8 p.m. on the first Monday night of each month for our meet-the-artist series, when Signature staff and guest artists sit down for a engaging...

