CALL FOR CHAPTERS: User Interface Design for Virtual Environments: Challenges and Advances

CALL FOR CHAPTERS: User Interface Design for Virtual Environments: Challenges and Advances

CALL FOR CHAPTERS: User Interface Design for Virtual Environments: Challenges and Advances

Full Chapter Submission Deadline: December 20, 2009
User Interface Design for Virtual Environments: Challenges and Advances
A book edited by Dr. Badrul H Khan

To be published by IGI Global:

In the Information society, the advancement of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has created a digital society and broadened the scope sharing innovations globally. In this globally digital society, people use electronic devices in almost anything they do in their lives: from brushing teeth to driving a car. In the fast moving digital society, people are encountering newer features associated with emerging technologies including (but not limited to): computers,
appliances, machines, mobile communication devices, software applications, and websites. Advances in emerging technologies coupled with fast moving lifestyles, people are increasingly overwhelmed with various electronic devices and services. What do users of these various digital devices and services really need? They need useable and easy to adapt interfaces to
operate in these virtual environments.

Linkage between a digital society and globalization has tremendous implications on the design of user-interfaces for various virtual environments. Reflecting on the global and cross cultural nature of today?s world, the user interface design of various virtual environments should be based on the needs of a cross culturally diverse population of users around the globe. The interface design should be user centric. User interface design should strive for making the user's interaction as simple, meaningful, and efficient as possible. This book focuses on challenges that designers face in designing interfaces for users of various virtual environments.

Objective of the Book:
This book will aim to provide both a theoretical and practical knowledge base in user interface design. It will be written for professionals who want to improve their understanding of challenges associated with user interface design issues for various virtual environments for globally-dispersed users.

Target Audience:
The target audience of this book will be composed of professionals and researchers working in various disciplines, including (but not limited to): information technology, computer science,
educational technology, e-leaning, distance education, corporate training, communication technology, medical technology, engineering, management information system, library science and other relevant fields.

Several relevant topics are listed below; however, additional topics are welcome. Please feel free to propose a topic of your choice.
? Addressing the Challenges of Inquiry-Based Learning through
Technology and Curriculum Design
? Adaptation in Automated User-Interface Design
? Challenges for End-User Development in CE devices
? Voice User Interface Design for Automated Directory Assistance
? Challenges for Design: Seeing Learners as Knowledge Workers Acting in
Physical-Virtual Environments
? Challenges in Human/Computer Interfaces: Making the Technology Serve
the User
? Challenges for Brain-Computer Interface Research for Human-Computer
Interaction Applications
? Human-Computer Interaction Research and Development Challenges
? Psychological Aspects of the Human Use of Computing
? Designing the Human Computer Interaction: Trends and Challenges
? The Challenges And Opportunities Of Human Technology
? Interfaces including flowchart, intelligent zones and sensitivity
? The Epistemology of Human Interface Design
? The Social Dimension of User Interface Design
? Challenges and solutions for user interface design on mobile devices
? Interface design challenges for Web2.0 designs
? The Impact of Design Interaction on Learner Success in Online Learning
? The Cross-Cultural Design of User Interfaces and Experiences
? Cultural Considerations in Interface Design
? Usable Accessibility: Making Web sites work well for people with
? Designing & Drawing Mobile Interactions
? Successful and available: interface design exemplars for older users
? Meta-User Interfaces for Ambient Spaces: Can Model-Driven-Engineering
? An Intelligent User Interface for Browsing and Search MPEG-7 Images
using Concept Lattices
? Creativity Support Tools: A Grand Challenge
? Constraints on their efforts for User-centered Interface Design
? Interface design issues for virtual reality (such as Second Life)

Submission Procedure:
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before December
20, 2009 an 8,000 to 10,000 word chapter on a topic relating to the
subject of the book. Kindly include a title and contact information for
each contributor (Name, Affiliation, and E-Mail) within the file. Each
chapter will undergo double-blind review and review results will be sent
to the authors. Chapters should adhere to the IGI Global Full Chapter
Submission Guidelines.

The Chapter Formatting Guidelines can be found here:

The Full Chapter Submission Guidelines can be found here:

This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group
Inc.), publisher of the ?Information Science Reference? (formerly Idea
Group Reference), ?Medical Information Science Reference,? and ?IGI
Publishing? imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher,
please visit This publication is anticipated to be
released in 2011.

Important Date:
December 20, 2009: Full Chapter Submission Deadline

Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document)
or by mail to:

Kindly e-mail your chapters to:
[email protected]

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