Call for Education-Technology Writers for Education World
Call for Education-Technology Writers for Education World
They are looking for education-technology writers - i.e. educators who are actively involved with using technology in schools and who can write clear, readable text - for the features below.
1. a monthly (bylined) column on topics of interest to school tech coordinators, tech integration specialists, etc.... i.e. directed to tech people rather than to classroom teachers. The column would deal with issues like teacher training, helping tech specialists understand the tech issues classroom teachers deal with, tech integration tips...practical information for school tech people
2. tech lps (
curriculum-based lessons that utilize technology, not lessons on how to use technology ($50 for each one we use)
3. templates ( (I prefer
someone who will create 4/month all year, but will accept ideas for smaller sets)
4. tech "classroom spotlight" articles - articles highlighting classroom teachers who have successfully integrated technology into their curriculum
5. occasional general interest tech integration articles
If you're interested or just want to know more, email me off list at
[email protected]Thanks!
Linda Starr
[email protected]Curriculum and Technology Editor
Education World
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