User Research and Technology -- call for papers

User Research and Technology -- call for papers

User Research and Technology -- call for papers


Library Hi Tech has issued a call for papers about ?user research and technology?. The topic includes both user research about technology and technology for user research.

Those interested in submitting an article should send a brief proposal (200 words max) to lht.editorial.staff (at) Library Hi Tech has an enduring interest in this topic. Articles submitted before 15 February 2011 will be considered for a special issue, which will focus on user research and technology.

Articles should be between 4000 and 8000 words. References should use the Harvard style. Please submit completed articles via the Scholar One online submission system.

Library Hi Tech is a peer-reviewed, ISI-indexed journal published by Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd.

Best wishes ... Michael Seadle

Dean, Faculty of Arts I / Dekan, Philosophische Fakultät I
Professor & Director, Berlin School of Library and Information Science
(Institut für Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft)
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Editor, Library Hi Tech

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