CFP: Library Hi Tech

CFP: Library Hi Tech

CFP: Library Hi Tech


Library Hi Tech is now over a quarter century old and to celebrate we are planning a series of papers that looks at the last 25 Years of library technology to consider what we have learned and where we need to do more research.

Articles can look at changes in particular institutions or can look at how particular technologies have changed how we think about our jobs as librarians. Articles should be scholarly in their approach and broad in their perspective.

Articles for Library Hi Tech should be 4000-8000 words long and should follow the Emerald style guide. Library Hi Tech is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal that is indexed in Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences, Social Sciences Citation Index, Social Scisearch and Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition.

Those interested in contributing should submit a brief (300 word) abstract to Michael Seadle at: ?seadle (at)

Articles must be in English in their final form. The abstract may be in English, German, or French.

Best wishes ... Michael

Prof. Michael Seadle
Director, Institute for Library and Information Science
Humboldt University in Berlin
Editor, Library Hi Tech
Location: Dorothenstrasse 26
Mailing address: Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin
Phone: +49 [30] 2093-4248
Fax: +49 [30] 2093-4335
[email protected]

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