Call for proposals, Drupal IG at ALA Annual

Call for proposals, Drupal IG at ALA Annual

Call for proposals, Drupal IG at ALA Annual
Hey, Drupal folks!

Have you just launched, or are you working on, a killer site, project, or module? Are you going to Annual? Consider giving a presentation on your latest masterpiece at the Drupal Interest Group meeting! The meeting will be on Saturday, June 25th from 1:30-3:30 in Room 242 of the Convention Center.

Drupal IG co-chair Chris Evjy and I are looking for presenters to give short (15-20 minute) presentations on recent library-related Drupal projects. If you?re NOT going to be at ALA, we can consider virtual presentations as well (i.e., synchronous with Skype or prerecorded presentations).

Please forward proposals to [email protected] and [email protected].


Nina McHale, MA/MSLS
2010-11 LITA Drupal Interest Group Chair
Assistant Professor, Web Librarian
University of Colorado Denver, Auraria Library
Facebook & Twitter: ninermac

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