CFP: 13th Conference of Atmospheric Science Librarians International

CFP: 13th Conference of Atmospheric Science Librarians International

CFP: 13th Conference of Atmospheric Science Librarians International

13th Conference of Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI): Integrating Weather, Climate and Social Studies: Challenges and Opportunities for Librarians, 20-21 January 2010, Atlanta, Georgia. Weather events and climate change have impacted societies since the dawn of civilization. From long-term droughts causing massive disruptions of populations of Southwest Native Americans in the 1200s to singular weather catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina to extreme meteorological events that changed the course of history, the societal impacts from short and long-term weather and climate events are enormous. Now more than ever, the demand for accurate climate and weather information and resources from almost every aspect of society are critical to our understanding of the historical context of such events. Libraries and archives are treasure troves of historical weather data and information, and librarians are particularly skilled in synthesizing information from seemingly disparate disciplines as
meteorology and policy, history, and economics.

The purpose of this meeting, to be held on 20-21 January 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia, is to focus on how the library community is responding to the challenges and opportunities of integrating information from social sciences such as history, anthropology, socioeconomics, government and policy with weather and climate change.

We invite proposals for papers describing how libraries are responding to the challenges of weather impacts on society, covering topics such as specialized historical collections and archives, risk/emergency management, climate and weather data sets, socioeconomic resources, interactions with academic social studies programs, tools for the distribution of knowledge, and ideas on how best to meet user demands for more integrated information products. Submissions should include full contact information, a title, and brief abstract of less than 250 words. We will repeat last year's successful "Technology Tools and Tips" session and invite anyone who is using a useful new technology or an old technology in new and interesting ways to participate in this "lightning round" session, consisting of back-to-back 5-minute talks. Students are particularly encouraged to submit proposals.

Please submit proposals to: Gene R. Major, ASLI Chair-elect, NASA
Goddard Space Flight Center Library, Code 272, Greenbelt, MD 20771
USA; 301-286-4394; [email protected].

The deadline for abstracts: October 1, 2009.

Gene R. Major
Program Manager, Library Associates
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 272
Greenbelt, MD 20771
[email protected]

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