CFP: ?Technology & the Changing Nature of Science Librarianship? 15th Annual Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI)

CFP: ?Technology & the Changing Nature of Science Librarianship? 15th Annual Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI)

CFP: ?Technology & the Changing Nature of Science Librarianship? 15th Annual Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI)
Conference New Orleans, LA
     January 25-26, 2012


Over the last three decades, advances in technology have wrought groundbreaking changes across nearly every imaginable field and discipline. From media to medicine, engineering to the humanities, technology has changed the way we communicate, explore, research, and learn. The field of science librarianship has not been immune to these changes, and has itself transformed over the past several years into a field burgeoning with new dynamism, opportunity, and, yes, uncertainty.

On January 25-26, 2012, the Atmospheric Sciences Librarians International (ASLI) will meet to explore these changes during their Annual Meeting, to be held in the historic city of New Orleans, Louisiana. We invite proposals for papers describing the ways in which librarians and information professionals working in the atmospheric and geosciences are working in new ways to support the information and research needs of their communities; how we?ve seen our roles change in the wake of recent technological developments; and what we imagine to be the new frontiers of our profession. We also welcome proposals for panels and themed sessions.

Submissions should include full contact information, a title, and brief abstract of less than 250 words. The now-annual ?Technology Tools and Tips? session will be repeated, allowing anyone who is using a technology ? old or new ? to participate in this ?lightning round? session, consisting of back-to-back 5-minute talks. Proposals from students in the atmospheric, library, or information sciences are particularly welcomed.

Please submit proposals to ASLI Chair-elect:

Jamaica Jones
NCAR Library
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
P.O. Box 3000
Boulder, CO 80307
P: (303) 497-2674
[email protected]

Deadline for submission:  August 1, 2011

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