CFP: 38th Annual Conference Canadian Association for Information Science: Information Science: Synergy through Diversity

CFP: 38th Annual Conference Canadian Association for Information Science: Information Science: Synergy through Diversity

Call for Papers: 38th Annual Conference Information Science: Synergy through Diversity
Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada
June 2 - 4, 2010
Information Science: Synergy through Diversity


With focus on innovative research and on information science as an evolving field, the conference will provide information scientists with a forum for presentation on four areas that form the conference program theme:

We are seeking submissions that address any aspects of the following:

* Knowledge and Information Management (e.g. Knowledge Management, Competitive Intelligence, Economic Intelligence)
* Social networking and user participation in knowledge structure (e.g. Web 2.0, folksonomies, ontologies)
* Information Organization (e.g. cataloguing and classification, Informetrics, Records Management, metadata)
* Human-Information Interaction (HII) (e.g. information retrieval, interface design, information architecture, user studies, information behaviour, information literacy)

Proposals that address other aspects of information and library science or other aspects of the conference or congress themes are also warmly invited.

Call for Papers
Proposals for CAIS/ACSI 2010 are solicited. All submissions should include a title, the name(s) of the author(s) and a statement of how the content relates to the conference themes. Proposals may be submitted in English or French. Doctoral candidates are especially invited to submit proposals for the conference.

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