CFP: Webology

CFP: Webology

CFP: Webology


Webology, an international online journal, is a scholarly journal in English devoted to the various fields of Library and Information Science and the World Wide Web. It serves as a forum for discussion and experimentation. Webology publishes scholarly articles, essays and reviews, and encourages the participation of academics and practitioners alike.

Volume 5, Number 2 will publish papers that focus on the following topics, but not limited to:

The World Wide Web
Web information retrieval; Web crawling and indexing; Web cataloging; Web searching; Search engines and directories; Search behavior; Metadata; Link analysis; Semantic Web; Web ontology; Folksonomy; Web Thesaurus; Webometrics; Cybermetrics; Invisible Web; Web Intelligence, Web Competitive Intelligence, Web mining; New technologies of Web services; Web impacts; Web search trends; Web users behavior; Web users and usage studies; International issues of the Web; Social studies of the Web; Censorship; Intellectual freedom on the Web; Web site filtering; Web and civil society; Web and globalization; Web war; Web and socio-political issues; Open Access; Evaluating Web resources; Web visibility, popularity and diversity; Web accessibility; Internet, Validity of information; Information mining; Information extraction; Information management and organization; Information or resource discovery; Knowledge management; Knowledge organization; The role of the Web and ICT in research, education, economy, development, customer services, marketing, productivity improvement, and etc.

Library and Information Science
Information retrieval systems; Indexing; Abstracting; Information and communication technology; Information Evaluation and measurement; Information representation, organization, and classification; Library classification theories; Data processing; Information systems design; Electronic document management; Digital libraries; Libraries and the Web; Information and communication theories; Information transferring; Information economics; Information society; Information policy; Information seeking behavior; Social and cultural impacts of information; Information marketing; Management information systems (MIS); Informetrics; Scientometrics; Bibliometrics; Citation analysis; ...

We welcome and encourage all contributions on these or other aspects of the World Wide Web before the deadline on April 30, 2008.

For further information, please read the Author Guidelines, or contact one of our Editors.

E-mail address for paper submission:
To: nouruzi at
Alternative e-mail address for submission:
CC: webology at

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