CFP: Hagley Fellows Conference, "The Spectacle of Technology"

CFP: Hagley Fellows Conference, "The Spectacle of Technology"

CFP: Hagley Fellows Conference, "The Spectacle of Technology"
Location: Delaware, United States
Call for Papers Deadline: December 15, 2004 (short notice by if anyone has something in the bag).

The Spectacle of Technology
Hagley Fellows Conference, March 19, 2005
Hagley Museum and Library, Wilmington, Delaware

The Hagley Fellows at the University of Delaware invite paper proposals for ?The Spectacle of Technology,? the 2005 Hagley Fellows Conference. Stuart W. Leslie of the Johns Hopkins University will give the keynote address at this one-day conference.

The conference will explore technology as a spectacle from an historical perspective. We conceive the topic broadly to incorporate all aspects of the human relationship with large-scale, remarkable, complex, highly technical, or otherwise extraordinary technological systems. What technologies are perceived to be spectacular, as opposed to everyday, hidden, or unremarkable technologies? Which technologies have been viewed as popular, interesting, or accessible; and which technologies are considered arcane, difficult, or complex; and to whom? And how do these perceptions of technologies? spectacle affect their development, marketing, use, and transmission? Examples of topics would include (but are not limited to): the ?technological sublime;? tourism; expert subcultures (?geekery?); amusement parks; anatomical theatres; entertainment technologies (both public and private); and the public perception or reception of new technologies. Papers covering all historical periods and on regional, American, and international subjects are welcomed.

The deadline for proposals, including an 800-word abstract and a one-page CV, is December 15, 2004. We will accept some late papers, but final decisions will be made by December 17, 2004.

Hagley Fellows,
University of Delaware,
236 John Munroe Hall,
Newark, Delaware 19716

Email: [email protected]

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