Chess Club and Settlers of Catan

Chess Club and Settlers of Catan

Come to the Library on Saturday, August 22nd to play Chess and Settlers of Catan!

- Covered Wagons: A Great Way To Get To The Library
This covered wagon was recently spotted at Columbia Pike...Did you know that covered wagons, known as Conestogas, were named for the Pennsylvania region where they were first built in the 18th century? They later gained the nickname of "prairie schooners,"...

- Judy Kuhn Sends Her Regrets...
** Updated 6/2** We're sad to report that Judy Kuhn will not be able to join us next Monday evening, as she has to return to NYC that day for an audition.  Eric Schaeffer , Signature's Artistic Director, will be joining us instead to talk...

- Unmask! - Teen Summer Reading
Teens can UNMASK their next great adventure at the library this summer! We'll have weekly activities like chess club, Dungeons & Dragons, and Warmachine. Plus, everyone will have the chance to read books for awesome prizes! Download and print...

- Summer Reading For All Ages!
Summer Reading is here, and we've got an exciting two months full of programs, events & PRIZES for all ages! Fizz Boom Read! Children will have a blast this summer with experiments, storytimes, science presentations, a magic show, bubbles and,...

- Boredom Buster
Are you looking for fun?   Look no further than your Public Library! Saturday, October 25th 1pm Meeting room  for an afternoon of Chess, Monopoly, and Scrabble Are you ready to test your skills? Join us!   all welcome!  ...

