General Information: Information Outlook (Special Libraries)

General Information: Information Outlook (Special Libraries)

General Information: Information Outlook (Special Libraries)

Information Outlook is SLA's monthly professional magazine. It is written primarily by and for information professionals. The editorial objective is to provide timely coverage of information management issues relevant to special librarians in a global environment. Information Outlook interprets the news and covers trends and issues that affect information professionals.

If you know of something interesting that has been done to improve a special library, solve a problem, prevent trouble? If you or a colleague have done something out of the ordinary that you'd like to share with SLA's members? If you want to give something back to the profession by sharing your experiences with others? We want to hear from you.

For more information, follow the above link.

- Call For Articles: Sla's Information Outlook Issue On Digitizing Content (may-june 2015)
Digitizing Content: Join the DiscussionURL: What are the costs and benefits of digitizing content, and how can the process be scaled and marketed so it?s a success? How does an organization measure...

- Call For Contributed Papers: Special Libraries Association Annual Meeting (seattle, June 2008)
Call for Contributed Papers: Special Libraries Association Annual Meeting (Seattle, June 2008) URL: Have you broken the rules of the status quo in order to make improvements in your workplace?...

- Cfp: Special Libraries Association 2007 Meeting
CFP: Special Libraries Association 2007 Meeting Location: Denver, Colorado Date: June 3-6, 2007 Please post to your chapter or division listserve this Call for Papers to be presented at Annual Conference in Denver 2007. The Contributed Papers sessions...

- Cfp: Computers In Libraries Magazine
CFP: Computers in Libraries Magazine The 2006 issue themes are now posted on their website: Follow that link for the themes and online form for submitting an article idea. Themes include: How You Deliver Info...

- Writing For Computers In Libraries
Computers in Libraries is a leading journal in the field. While it is not peer-reviewed, it is typically listed among the leading technical journals in the field. From their website: CIL's mission is to provide librarians and other information...

