Go Figure!

Go Figure!

The Go Figure! exhibit transforms charming children's books into a kids-sized world where children and adults delight in exploring math and books.  The exhibit, sponsored by the Hands-On Partnership for Science, Literature and Art in South Dakota, will be at the Public Library during the month of May.

- Raising Children In A Multicultural World
Join us Tuesday, Oct. 11, at 7:00 p.m. for a discussion with author Monica Brown on Raising Children in a Multicultural World, in the Central Library Auditorium. We live in a multicultural world - how can parents help kids make sense of that world? Dr....

- Give Great Books For All Ages
Want to give a gift they'll love for years? Try books! For Kids - Our children's librarians share their favorite books to give to kids on From Tots to Tweens - everything from picture books for the littlest readers, to chapter books for older...

- Attention Ebooks Fans
We are adding more eBooks titles to the South Dakota Titles To Go collection.   Kindle owners, please note that our downloadable eBooks system now supports your device. South Dakota Titles To Go is powered by Overdrive and features bestselling...

- Animals As Architects Exhibit Now Closed.
Thank you to all of those individuals and school groups who attended the Animals as Architects exhibit in February and March. Please note that exhibit has now moved on to another South Dakota library....

- Animals As Architects
Now showing at the Madison Public Library: Animals as Architects is an interactive exhibit exploring the unique, natural homes built by animals. Come in and build a bird's nest, create a spider web, peer inside a termite mound, and many other interactive...

