Web Analytic Strategies for Information Professionals: A LITA Guide (Call for Book Chapter Proposals)

Web Analytic Strategies for Information Professionals: A LITA Guide (Call for Book Chapter Proposals)

Web Analytic Strategies for Information Professionals: A LITA Guide (Call for Book Chapter Proposals)
We are seeking authors to contribute chapters to a LITA Guide called Web Analytic Strategies for Information Professionals. This book will be published by Neal-Schuman Publishers in early 2012.

Chapter topics could include, but are not limited to:

? Using Web Analytics in a Web Site Redesign
? Web Analytics for Web Assessment
? Innovative Uses of Web Analytics Data
? Mobile Analytics
? Case Studies on Specific Tools (open source, log file analysis tools, or other under-recognized tools, i.e., NOT Google Analytics)

Please submit proposals using the following form. Form must include a proposed title, an abstract of about 250 words, and tentative outline.  Proposals are due by Friday, July 29th. First authors will be notified by email of acceptance by August 12th. Book chapters for accepted proposals will be due by November 4, 2011. Final book chapters will be due December 30, 2011. Chapters should be approximately 2500-3000 words in length. For any questions contact the authors, Tabatha Farney ([email protected]) and Nina McHale ([email protected]).

Online form for proposal submission: http://bit.ly/webanalyticscallforchapters
Nina & Tabatha

Nina McHale, MA/MSLS
Assistant Professor, Web Librarian
University of Colorado Denver, Auraria Library
Facebook & Twitter: ninermac

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