Who Waters the Vegetable Garden?

Who Waters the Vegetable Garden?

Julie Damore does!

Julie is a volunteer at Central Library who helps tend our Arlington Food Assistance Center vegetable garden.

In this photo, taken by the staff at AFAC for their newsletter, she's holding a bouquet of broccoli and cucumbers. These fresh vegetables were harvested at Central on Wednesday morning, and taken to AFAC just in time to be put on the shelf for that morning's clients.

You can see more delicious examples of Julie's hard - and very important - work in our Vegetable Garden photo albums on flickr.

- Winter In The Vegetable Garden
Don Weber and Puwen Lee have been busy getting the Central Library vegetable garden ready for winter. Two weeks ago, they transplanted the mixed lettuce seedlings (originally planted as seeds in the raised bed garden in August), both inside and outside...

- Garden Talk: Starting Fall Vegetables
Join us Wednesdays 7:00 p.m. at the Central Library Vegetable Garden for our August Garden Talk series. August 3, 7pm - Summer veggies and herbs: Cooking straight from the garden. We?ll see, smell and taste some of the great vegetables and herbs of...

- Starting Your Spring Garden - Tonight!
We've turned over the winter crop to prepare our garden for SpringJoin us Wednesday, April 20 at 7:00 p.m. at the Central Library Vegetable Garden for our first Garden Talk of the new year: Starting your Spring Garden. USDA research entomologist...

- Beautiful Growth In The Vegetable Garden
After a lot of hard work and the recent rain, our new vegetable garden is sprouting like crazy! Vegetable and Herb Panorama!Thanks to Arlington Food Assistance Center, the Girl Scouts of Troop 1431, Potomac Overlook Regional Park, the USDA's People's...

- Vegetable Garden Update
What's going on in the Central Library Vegetable Garden? As author Michael Shermer wrote, "Human history is highly nonlinear and unpredictable," and we have to add, so is gardening! We're still working to clear the liriope from our garden bed...

