Beyond Bestsellers - October 2007
Each month, only a few books reach the top of the fiction bestseller lists, but there are many more terrific titles available at the Library. Here are some recent favorites.

Take one food writer named Cranky Agnes, add a hitman named Shane, mix them together with a Southern mob wedding, a missing necklace, two annoyed flamingos, and a dog named Rhett, and you've got a recipe for a sexy, hilarious novel about the disastroud side of true love.
"A comic caper and caucous romance...laugh-out-loud funny" --Kirkus Reviews
You're invited to the charming Delta town of Second Creek, Mississippi, known for its chatty citizens, unusual weather phenomena, and elegant ballroom dancing in the most unlikely places.
"As a group of eccentric widow ladies dance in the aisles of the Piggly Wiggly, they'll have you rolling in them." -Ann B. Ross
The enchanting sequel to Waltzing at the Piggly Wiggly, a Southern Charmer about second chances in love and life, and the odd-oddly funny-events that bring people together.
This book is filled with sassy Southern humor as well as romance and mystery.
"Sassy and sexy Cash's big-haired heroines dish up Texas-size fun." -Carol Haggas
"The order of the day is entertainment, and the book piles it on." - Publishers Weekly
Cfp: 19th Southern Writers Symposium (focus On Author Raymond Andrews)
CFP: 19TH SOUTHERN WRITERS SYMPOSIUM (Focus on Author Raymond Andrews) February 23-24, 2007 METHODIST COLLEGE FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA FEATURED SPEAKER: TRUDIER HARRIS. Abstracts Due October 15, 2006 The theme of the next Southern Writers Symposium...
More Library Love
On Monday the Shirlington Branch Library put out valentines for kids to color. We also asked people to tell us why they love the Library. Here are some of the wonderful responses we received: "Because I learn so much. It is fun!" "I can bring...
Cherrydale Book Group Titles For Fall
The Cherrydale Branch Library's book club will take a break for the month of October, and start up again in November (the November book will be given out at the September discussion). The Cherrydale book club meets at 7:30 p.m. on the second Monday...
Great Authors And More........
Saturday October 3rd from 9 ? 3 Red River County Public Library will exhibit photographs of senior graduates of Clarksville High School from 1925 thru 1955, 1964 and 1965. The library is playing host to authors: Reavis Wortham author of The Rock Hole,...
September Books Are Arriving!
Agnes and the Hitman, by Jennifer Cruise Away, by Amy Bloom Away is the epic and intimate story of young Lillian Leyb, a dangerous innocent, an accidental heroine. When her family is destroyed in a Russian pogrom, Lillian comes to America alone, determined...