Bloggers for ALA Midwinter Needed (LITA Sessions)
Bloggers for ALA Midwinter Needed (LITA Sessions)
ALA Midwinter will soon be upon us and the LITA Blog will be covering as many meetings as possible. LITA Blog is a great way to let members who can not travel to San Antonio know what your group is doing.
To see the current list of meetings and volunteer opportunities, please see the LITA Blog Midwinter Schedule: Events and bloggers will be added as people volunteer and as chairs request coverage of their meetings. Please check back frequently for updates.
If you are attending a meeting you think would be of interest, please consider volunteering to write a brief summary of the meeting. Email me with the name of the meeting you would like to cover and your contact information.
If you are a IG or Section Chair and you would like your meeting covered, please email me and we will add it to the schedule.
Michelle Boule
Social Sciences Librarian
University of Houston
Call For Bloggers At Midwinter 2011
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