Official Call for Volunteer LITA Bloggers at Midwinter '08 - Reminder

Official Call for Volunteer LITA Bloggers at Midwinter '08 - Reminder

Official Call for Volunteer LITA Bloggers at Midwinter '08 - Reminder

If you placed "become more active in my professional association" on your New Year's resolution list (and who hasn't?!) and are planning to attend Midwinter in Philadelphia next week, here's a great way to check it off early in the year.

Take this opportunity to become a LITA Blogger! The LITA Blog ( will again be on hand to report what is happening and share the terrific Midwinter experience with those who cannot attend this year. There are still lots of fascinating sessions available to blog, so please don't delay: send me a message, and I'll sign you up!

If you like to write and are looking for new ways to get involved (or have blogged in the past and would like to blog again), please email me at and let me know what sessions you would like to cover. The blog schedule for Midwinter
( has been posted and is updated as we receive volunteers.

We will be taking volunteers up to and during the conference. Thanks very much in advance!


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