Call for Proposals: Create.OK.Lead: Ignore Barriers to Your Creativity, Start Leading Your Library conference
Call for Proposals: Create.OK.Lead: Ignore Barriers to Your Creativity, Start Leading Your Library conference
The Oklahoma chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries (OK-ACRL) and the Oklahoma chapter of the Special Libraries Association (OKSLA) are now accepting conference proposals for their Fall 2011 Create.OK.Lead: Ignore Barriers to Your Creativity, Start Leading Your Library conference at Oklahoma State University's Advanced Technology Research Center on Friday, November 4, 2011.
Are you an innovative educator?
Are you known for your creative class assignments or structures?
Do you do a lot of work on team leadership or collaboration?
Are you an advocacy champion?
This year OK-ACRL and OKSLA are combining forces to bring you a conference on the theme of creativity and leadership. Submit a 200 word abstract along with contact information of presenters by September 9, 2011 to Word document attachments or plain text emails are acceptable; please put "Create.OK.Lead presentation proposal" in subject line.
Final selection of presenters will be made by October 14, 2011. Presentation topics may include: Creativity in the classroom, team leadership and/or collaboration and advocacy strategies.
Questions? Just email us at
Amanda Elizabeth Lemon
2011 OK-ACRL Chapter President
(405) 682-1611 ext. 7416
Kevin Drees
2011 OKSLA Chapter President
(405) 744-9751
*Chosen presenters will receive free registration and lunch to the Oklahoma ACRL & SLA Fall 2011 Conference.*
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