Computer and Internet Access

Computer and Internet Access

The Library has two computer labs for public use, one for adults/teens and one for children. The adult/teen lab is located on the 2nd floor and has twelve stations. The children's lab (designed for our patrons in 5th grade or below) is located on the 1st floor and has eight stations.

Library staff cannot be held responsible for content accessed by patrons under the age of 18. Children under the age of 7 must be accompanied by an adult while using the computers.

First time computer users must set up a PIN for access at the Reference Desk on the second floor or the Circulation Desk on the first floor. Each patron will be limited to 120 minutes per day of use.

Free WiFi is also available in the library. Staff members will be happy help you get started with using the library's computers or accessing WiFi.

Printing Services

Black and white printing is available in both labs for 20 cents per page.

Color printing is available at the Reference and Circulation desk for 50 cents per page, but you must provide your documents via email or a removable storage device.

Patrons will be responsible for paying for each page that is released from the printer. If you're unsure about a print job, please ask for assistance at the Reference Desk.

- The Ya Audio Books At Columbia Pike Have Moved
The Columbia Pike Branch Library has moved the collection of Young Adult audio books. They are now located between the 1st floor computer sign up station and the popular collection. Audio books are available on CD and playaways. The Adult audio books...

- August Computer Classes
Need some techie tutoring? Computer Classes will be back in August! Classes are free and open to the public and take place on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 a.m. in the computer lab on the first floor. These classes are limited to 8 participants, and registration...

- Your Library Card
Most Iowa residents are entitled to a free library card. Proof of current address and a photo I.D. are required. Please visit the circulation desk on the 1st floor to obtain a card. Children must be at least 3 years old to have a card under their name....

- Library History
The Oskaloosa Public Library first opened its doors in 1903 as a result of a drive spearheaded by the Oskaloosa Women?s Club and a generous donation of $20,000 from the Carnegie Foundation.  The Library?s first book collection came from the Mahaska...

- Meeting Rooms
We have four different spaces available for your next meeting: Meeting Room A - located on the 3rd floor and has a capacity of 31 with tables and chairs, or 66 with chairs only.Meeting Room B - located on the 3rd floor and has a capacity of 31 with tables...

