Party at Central for Potomac Overlook on Feb. 5
Potomac Overlook Regional Park by James A. George |
Help Potomac Overlook Regional Park kick off its 39th year with exhibits, music, birthday cake, games, door prizes and a brief program about 2012 programs. All at Central Library Auditorium on Feb. 5, 2 p.m.
Activities will include woodworking, craft and art demonstrations, natural history exhibits, juggling, music and more! Potomac Overlook?s 2012 theme is ?The Story of the Woods,? featuring many of the sustainability activities promoted by the Park. Fun for all ages!
Call 703-528-5406 or email [email protected] for more information.
Exploring The "steady State Economy" On Sept. 29
How can we establish a healthy economy that does not exceed its ecological limits? Join us Thursday, September 29, 7:00 p.m at the Central Library for a program that will seek to answer that question, when author Brian Czech discusses Exploring the Steady...
Explore A Green Economy With ?steady As She Goes: Three Explorations Of Sustainability?
Over the next 3 months, Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment and Potomac Overlook will continue their exploration of sustainability with programs about our planet, how people fit in, and the challenge of creating a green economy. These 3 programs will...
Beautiful Growth In The Vegetable Garden
After a lot of hard work and the recent rain, our new vegetable garden is sprouting like crazy! Vegetable and Herb Panorama!Thanks to Arlington Food Assistance Center, the Girl Scouts of Troop 1431, Potomac Overlook Regional Park, the USDA's People's...
"little Green House" Program Sunday At 3 Pm
The "Little Green House" first visited Central Library as part of Arlington Reads this spring. Now the model LGH will make a return appearance at Central for the week of May 17, in advance of a May 23 program celebrating its creation. Here are the details...
Vegetable Garden At The Library
Come visit the Central Library for a first-hand look at what it takes to create an urban vegetable garden. Inspired by the Arlington Reads 2010 theme of food sustainability, the Library is partnering with a variety of community organizations and agencies...